Oh, Happy Easter!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Gloomy Tuesday
Monday, March 29, 2010
Kendra Cleans Up
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Masterpiece Destroyed
We try not to laugh at Kendra when she does some of her more dottery things, 'cause we know we might be like that in the future (if we're lucky). But I gotta tell you this one. The other night Kendra was asleep in the living room in the way. We all had to walk around her, or over her. The TV was on, there was noise on the street. Nothing was going to wake that dog.
Just then, Alpha opened the fridge......Kendra shot to attention and raced to the kitchen.
It really was funny............or maybe you just had to be there.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
You're tagged

I now tag back Kira the Husky, and tag The Rocky Creek Scotties, Jesse the Westie, Stuart, and the Porties.
To play, you need to find the 10th picture in your first photo folder, post it with a little story explaining it and tag five (5) other bloggers.
Good luck, Daisy
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Riding in Cars
I just love riding in the car, especially with my head out the window. Kendra and Bella hate car rides. They hide on the floor. But me, I love looking at everyone and everything.
We had to buy a car with electric windows, so the windows can easily go up and down when we are driving. We call it my Cat Scan.
Some days, Alpha takes only me and we do a lap of the main street, just so
I can see everything. I can only go if it isn't too hot. Now that it is Autumn, I'm getting more rides. I've noticed that lots of people look at me and smile as we ride by. It's good making people smile. We need more of it.
Yep, riding cars is Great.
PS. I do have a restraint so I can't fall out.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Bella's new project

In Trouble Again

I must have given it a good scare because it was nowhere around. I was on my way home to find... Alpha and a neighbour coming after me. She didn't even need my lead. I knew what I was doing. Even She knew what I was doing. But the neighbour didn't. A bit embarassing when I was strutting'my stuff. The cat was gone, so I was coming home. Dogs all up and down the street were barking congratulations to me.
Sometimes you have to take on a little trouble to keep the streets safe.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Beach--Sort of

When I see a cat, my whole personality changes. It's like there's another dog inside me. It only sees that cat. I suddenly change into a barking, growly, lunging beast. One minute I'm walking on the lead nicely, next thing I'm in trouble, all the leads are tangled--usually with Alpha in the middle--and I don't really know what happened. I DO know I'm very excited! Am I normal? Do squirrels do that to you?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Blue Bug

What is it?
We stood around watching, is it a mouse, a big bug or spider?
We still don't know. Sometimes she does funny things like that.
She just backed out after a few minutes and went back to sleep.
What a let-down.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
All about Me

We've been going through old photographs.
This is me at 8 weeks after a 6-hour car ride from Sydney. Aren't I cute?
I am a 'memorial' scottie. I was purchased with inheritance money when Alpha's Mum died.
I was brought home on Mother's Day and was named Daisy--Alpha's Mum's favourite flower.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Goodbye Java
We are very sad this morning to read that Java has crossed the bridge.
We send our love and best wishes to all at Rocky Creek Farm.
XXXOOO, Daisy, Kendra, Bella and Alpha
Sunday walkies
This morning Alpha got out of bed very late. We had breakfast. Looked like the morning walk was off. But it wasn't. We were off to the sports fields. We love the sports fields because we can just run and run, and sniff and sniff.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Walkies again
Yesterday, we had three walks. The afternoon walk was
to the duckpond. It's Kendra's favourite walk.
She nearly fell out of the car on her head in excitement.
We have to stay on our leads because we chase the ducks and other birds.
If a fence hadn't separated us, they wouldn't look so cocky.
Lots of different kinds of birds come to the duckpond.
Hope you have one of your favourite walks today.
XXXOOO Daisy, K & B
The water's a bit dirty from all the rain.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
We love walks.....anytime, anywhere.....count us in.
Except Kendra.
Although the traditional 6 a.m. walk started with Kendra who wouldn't
walk if there were people around. She would go very early. Eventually,
she accepted other people who were walking that early.
Now, she has a choice. If she lines up to get her collar and lead on, she comes.
(If she does come, Bella and I know to expect a short, slow walk!)
The morning walk is the most important walk of the day because cats have been
running around all night. I have to patrol the area to make sure they know
daytime is DOG time.
I have to check all the stormwater drains, and underneath cars. I always
remember where I've seen a cat before. I'm teaching Bella.
We have retractable leads. Cats don't understand those and think I can
chase them. Boy, do they take off!
This morning was a three cat walk. Bliss.
Then home for breakfast. Bella just wanted to run around madly. Go Figure.
Maybe she's in training for cat chasing.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Last September our Alpha disappeared for the day--She does this sometimes.
She came back late (after our usual dinner time) with a cat crate.
She put it on the porch.
Naturally, Kendra and I were curious, so we started sniffing it.
Inside was a little snarly, growly, black thing.
We left it alone and went inside to have our Very Late dinner.
And right behind us was a small, hungry scottie.
Yep, Bella had joined the pack.
She'd travelled on two planes, then spent two days in a car. (No wonder she was snarly.)
Alpha had several names in mind for a new scottie, but Bella had
been Bella for 5 months and the name suited her. Bella has a big nose and Alpha loves that.
I was a bit worried at first, she WAS cute. But Alpha made sure that I didn't lose my
status and Bella is fun. She follows me around and copies what I do.
Alpha had forgotten what puppies were like, remember I was nearly 7.
Cyclone Bella trained Her quickly. It only took chewed up
sandals and a library book (both expensive) to get Her put her things away.
We also think Bella is part termite. She loves eating anything made of wood.
She brings sticks and bark chips into the house. We saw her gnawing on a
tree once--maybe she's part beaver.
She loves tearing up paper, too.
Naturally, she ignores all the chew toys that were bought for her.
We are more active since she came.....except Kendra.
So all in all I'm glad Bella came to live with us.
I checked my nose and I think it's big, too.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
My Pack

First of all let me remind you that this is my blog.
But I've been getting some flack about everything always being about me....not true.
So now I'll talk about the others who live here. My Pack. Our human is the Alpha Bitch.
That's because she has opposable thumbs and provides food, walks, house.....
Next is Kendra she's 10,eleven in May. She's been First Dog ever since I came here 7 years ago.....but I've been working on it and am slowly working my way up the ladder.
Kendra is the Extreme Scottie. Scotties tend to like few people--
Kendra hates everyone except our Alpha.
Kendra hates everyone except our Alpha.
Scotties are stubborn--Kendra is the mule. She just
quietly does what she wants. Scotties love food--Kendra's whole existence centres around food.
We think she's getting a bit of dementia, as well, even though she is only ten (nearly 11).....half the time she's not with the program...Or on our planet .
We love her anyway, and I let her have some privileges: getting food and snacks first,
choice of couch. She loves sitting in the windows and barking at EVERYONE who dares walk past. I have to admit she's a better watchdog than I am; because I love everyone.
Everyone is afraid of her. Not me, I'm the party girl.
Oooops, that's about me, again.
Enjoy your day!
Monday, March 8, 2010
A picture says a 1000 words
This is me after a long, long walk and a lambshank. I think I'll call it a day.
Love, Daisy
Sunday, March 7, 2010
OH NO......!

It's my birthday and it's raining..... That means we missed out
on the morning walk AND, lambshanks are an outdoor food.
Oh well, we've got all day for it to dry out. Maybe it'll dry out
enough before dinner.
Guess I'll do the scottie thing--go with the flow-- and curl up somewhere for a snooze.
Even cats won't be out today.
Oh, I DID get my morning treat and was fussed over!
XXXOOO, Daisy (and the girls)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
It's nearly my birthday!

Tomorrow is my birthday! That's the 8th of March--it's already Sunday in Oz.
I hope we get lambshanks.
I hope we get lambshanks.
That's a picture of me with a lambshank. I'm smiling.
I don't get lambshanks very much anymore. My human has put me on
a weight watchers dry food diet. Don't get me wrong, if it's food, I eat it. And I have lost
a kilo (2.2 lbs) but I've begun to scratch and shake my ears. She thinks it may
be a food allergy and is checking the internet. The vet has given me
some tablets.
I may get to go back to my raw food diet. I'll keep you posted.
(I think I'll just scratch and shake my ears a bit more often.)
Kendra and Bella
Friday, March 5, 2010
Three of Us
Here we are, from left to right, Kendra, Bella and me, Daisy. This was taken a few months ago when Bella first came.
We're on the lookout for cats. We have lots of them sneaking around our neighbourhood. We don't let them in our garden; but some times they do get in the front.
We let them know VERY definitely that that is NOT ALLOWED!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
New Pup on the Block

G'day mates!
My name is Daisy.
I've been following a few blogs for a month or so now,
reading about dogs all over the world,
about new puppies,
dogs who have left us
and dogs in shows
and dogs in snow.
But I haven't found any from Downunder so I
thought I'd do something about that.
In case you are wondering about the photo, it's
summer down here and hot.
Sometimes you just need to get that cool
air-conditioning on your underside.
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