First of all, we'd like to apologise to our good friend Corbin on missing his BIG Day!
We've read so many blogs about Pitt Bulls, that we don't think we can add anything, BUT we want you to know, that because of the 'dangerous dog' laws here, we've never met a Pitt Bull in the furs. However, through the blogs of our Pittie friends, we have learned so MUCH! We'll never judge a breed by what's in the news and we tell everyone we know. As pointed out many times it's the humans! When we see mistreated dogs, who still have the capacity to LOVE and forgive, we are amazed!
Look at that handsome face! |
Corbin, Happy Birthday from us slackos. We know you had a BLAST with your wonderful peeps and fosters!
Daisy: Where are we? |
Yesterday, I went for a ride with HER. This isn't unusual. I, Daisy, love car rides, so I sometimes go places alone with HER.
I am IN a shop! Yes, we have a new PetBarn in town. It just opened up last weekend and they let DOGS in! I've NEVER been in a shop before.
These cats (who are looking for homes) couldn't believe their eyes!
I checked out all of the fashionable gear.
But didn't get anything.
There were some dogs looking for homes, too.
They are up for adoption from the local shelter.
There are NO PUPPIES on sale here.
Oh, except little Missy. When we stopped to take her picture, the staff got all excited and thought we were interested in adopting her. But we had to say that our little house was FULL. We hope Missy finds a home soon.
In the week that they'd been open they'd rehomed 30 animals!
Sometimes humans just have to see the gorgeous animals that are available.
There was stuff everywhere to look at! I was trying to look in all directions at once and nearly got whiplash!
The staff all came over to say hello to me because most of them had never seen a scottie in person, but I was too busy to waste time letting them gush over me.
I checked out all of the treats and was so excited that SHE couldn't get a photo. I also got to sample some AND choose some to take home.
I chose venison ears and Wellness cookies--fish and sweet potato, and peanut butter honey....
We all had some when I got home.
It was fantastic UNTIL I spied THIS! A car wash for dogs!
There always has to be a thorn.