Friday, February 28, 2014

For Taffy

Our Friend Taffy 

is celebrating her Gotcha Day today.

We hope she gets LOTS of TREATS and CAKE.

(We're sure her dad will share ice cream with her.)

Go wish her a Happy Gotcha Day!

The Bad Dawg Agency will be providing a concert today on their NEW blog.
As you may know, Taffy and Stanley are an item.
Just use the links to be transported to Taffy's AND the BDA.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I'm off the hook.......(see last post)

It's raining here.  Last day of summer.
( We Australians go by months NOT equinoxes and stuff.)

This morning my running away was forgiven BECAUSE....

Well, Daisy taught me that if there is mud, you dig!


You should have seen HER trying to catch me...heheheh!

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Note from HER

Hi Everyone,  I'm overwhelmed with all the comments of support.  I know everyone's been through losing a beloved animal friend.  I've been through it many times, Daisy was scottie number eight.  It doesn't get easier, though.  I tend to tear up at the drop of a hat.

Bella, Roxy and I have been taking long walks, and going to the river.  They love it so much.  It's only when we're home that they're subdued.  Don't know if it's just my mood, but they do seem sad.
Bella stays close to me--closer than before.  Could be because Daisy was the buffer between Roxy and her.  But even Roxy is quieter.

This morning we went on a walk we haven't done since Kendra...the big circuit.  The pictures weren't very good because the camera is acting up and it was only just daylight.

Over the big bridge.

Another part of the sports grounds--Roxy annoying Bella

Amazingly, FIVE kookaburras looking on. (the bridge we crossed in the background)
 The sun finally came up.
Posing on our HER favourite portrait rock.
Again, thank you for all your kind, supportive comments.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Daisy's Mouth....

If you are squeamish, you might want to stop here.

Daisy, 22nd November 2013

It started with Daisy's teeth being slightly out of alignment.

31 December 2013

 She visited the Vet , was diagnosed with a growth and booked in to have a  biopsy taken, removal of front lower teeth and general dental work.  Her other teeth were fine.

6th January 2014
 The biopsy report stated a Squamous Cell Carcinoma was growing into the jaw bone, and would progress.  
Prognosis, 6-12 months.
But it was very aggressive.

19th February 2014
 At no time did she indicate that there was anything wrong.  No evidence of pain.  It would bleed when she tried to get food off the floor, but  stop quickly. 
 It didn't interfere with her usual daily duties or fun.
3rd January 2014
She went to the river on Thursday, did her usual wading, running around chasing birds, and exploring.
Friday morning was another Vet visit to see how things were going as she gave no clue as to what was happening.

The Vet went through her records and explained that she would be experiencing at least dull aches in her jaw and teeth, the tumour was ulcerated and would be VERY painful within a week...getting worse, and there was also a chance
 that the jaw bone could fracture.
The decision was made. 
Very difficult because she seemed to be still happy
 and enjoying life.

We want to thank everyone for your words of support and best wishes.  It has been a difficult two days.  Daisy is in our garden next to Carys.  Kendra's urn is buried with her.
We will miss our STOIC girl for a long time.

Oh, alternatives would have been having the jawbone removed and replaced, chemo and/radiation in Sydney.  She would have hated it.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Daisy.  8 March 2003 - 21 February 2014

Thursday Surprise....

This morning we went to the river.  ALL of us.  This week, we've gone on our early morning walk and then only Roxy has gone to the river.  She needs more crazy running than Bella and I.

 First we walked the loop, sniffing everything.
 Then we went to the river, where I paddled and Bella played the rock game until she got dizzy.
Roxy raced around with Chloe UNTIL......
( if you look carefully, in the middle of the track,
 there's a black spot.)

It's Kelly!  She's back after weeks off after having an abscess removed from her back.
You can see how excited Roxy is....
 Those girls got right into their mad chasing, biting game!

 They just had the best time.  Bella and I sat on the truck to stay away from them.

But they got on the truck, so we got off.
*   *   *   *   * 
It rained here all day yesterday....after our early morning walk.
SHE's so lazy that she pulled the car out of the carport
so the rain could clean it!

It did a good job.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Something's happening.....

We're getting up at the same time EVERY morning.....about 5 AM, SHE says......

BUT, we have to wait for AGES to go for our early morning walk.
We used to be home from our walk before the 6:30 AM flight to Sydney.
Now we have only STARTED our walk when that plane takes off!


Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Weekend....

 We did lots of this....

Note: Our house is covered in sheets because Daisy's tumor bleeds sometimes. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Squirrely Saturday

PT Crasher strikes again...

Maybe it should read I admit nothing.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Welcome back for more music and dancing...
Our next song is

So back on the dance floor everyone....

Yesterday, all the squirrels were chased away
No it looks as though we are safe to play
Oh, we celebrate Yesterday.

Suddenly, there's not half the work there used to be
No Squirrels around when we try to PEE
Oh, Yesterday came happily

What they HAD to go we really know, they couldn't stay
We had something's RIGHT, we celebrate Yesterday.

Yesterday, we had so many games to play
Now we can play Keep Away
Oh, we celebrate Yesterday

Yesterday tug-of-war became an easy game to play
Now we can all dig away
Oh, we celebrate Yesterday

What they HAD to go we truly know
Now we have a place to romp and play
Oh, we celebrate Yesterday

Yesterday squirrels were all chased away
Now they are in a place far away
Where we believe that they should STAY!!!

 here's another version of our Favourite Things just for YOU...

Raindrops on noses and whiskers on kittens
Bright Birdie Feathers and yarn from the Knittin's
Crinkly paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of our favourite things....

Cream on our milk saucer and moist tuna snacks
Doorbells and shrimpshells and soft furs on our backs
wild squirrels that fly up the trees like they have wings
These are a few of our favourite things.

Cats in emply boxes with long nail gashes
Catnip that clings to our nose and eyelashes
Silver white mice that we catch in the springs
These are a few of our favourite things.

     When the fleas bite
     When the Bugs escape
     When the food's LATE

We simply remember our favourite things
Then we don't feel so bad.

We'll take a short break and meet you back here for more dancing!
The night's still young.

Blogville Queen of Hearts Dance

WELCOME!  Happy Valentine's Day and welcome to the Queen of Hearts Dance.  Looks like we have nearly everyone in Blogville here tonight.
I'd like to introduce our band who will
entertain you all night.

That's Murphy, Stanley, Ernie and me, Roxy.
We'll be rockin' this joint tonight, so grab your partners and get ready for our first number.
Lyrics  by those talented brothers Murphy and Stanley
with a little help from Etta James.
Hit it, boys....

A squirrel has come along
My long wait is over 
And the Chase is On
      Oh Yeah...Yeah
          AT LAST

The skies above are blue
I'm gonna be racing through clover
Today I'm Catching You...

I found a squirrel, that I can catch up to
A squirrel I can Deaded alone
I found a squirrel I can sink teeth into
A thrill I have never known.

     O Yeah   Yeah

It twitched, it Ran
AT LAST the the Chase was on
I clamped my jaws and was in heaven
The Squirrel was MINE
      AT LAST

Put your hands together for the band members, and your
 wonderful partners.

And now Blogville, we know your Valentines are your favourite things, but we'd like to sing about a few of our
Favourite Things......

Raindrops on stuffies and squeakers with holes
Bright balls in the air and digging for moles
Crinkly paper wrapped pressies tied up with strings
These are a few of our favourite things...

Dreaming feet all running and stuffies to gut
Doorbells and good smells from a butt
wild Frisbees flying with slobber in strings
These are a few of our favourite things.

Pups with white furs and blue shiny collars
Ignoring our mom each time that she hollers
    When the Fleas bite
    When the VET probes
     When all the snacks have been had
We simply remember our favourite things
Then we don't feel so baaaaaaad.....

Thank you, Thank you....

Please go enjoy our next set.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


nothing like a swim and then a roll.

Almost Wordless Wednesday--Daisy


Note:  Daisy's tumour is growing rapidly.  She is now being hand fed softer food--has trouble picking up food; otherwise, she's still the usual Daisy......

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Weather Report

And that about sums it up.

Courtesy of BARB and The BOSS who don't have a blog.

Monday, February 10, 2014


I, Roxy, got a package from my steady boyfriend Ernie,
 about 87 weeks ago! 
 But I wasn't allowed to open it until at least February.

I need some help opening it.

Daisy, get out!  It's MINE!!!
Look at the fabulous card!
Ernie wrote MY name in the upper left hand corner.
When I opened it, it SANG 'SHOUT', with music and everything!
BUT that''s not all!
Look at all the fabulous things in MY parcel.
Daisy keeps photo-bombing.
Check these out!
Ernie sent 'Be Mine' Bars...


Look closer at the packet....
Baked with love and SENT with love...
and they're heart-shaped.
I think I'm going to have to share these.....DRAT.
AND I just LOVE my new stuffie.  It's a sort of .....well..... red, fluffy, thingy with rope and a great squeaker.

The tag will be the first thing to go.
I also got a gorgeous, new collar with hearts all over it!  
Ernie has one to match! 
 It fits perfectly, Ernie...

Can you see it better here?

Ernie really spoiled me this Valentine's Day!
87 gazillion thank yous, Ernie........

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mini Us-Olympics

Our minis who were made by Lynne as a surprise,from the OP Pack are competing in the 2014
Mini Us-'lympics in Blogville.

Firstly, we have Roxy, competing in the Snowboarding Slopestyle.  First time at the Olympics for this event,
 but we think she has a handle on it!
Here she is coming out of a Triple Cork....
The crowd goes wild...
Over on the Alpine Ski Slope,11-year old Daisy,  the oldest competitor here today, shows her stuff
 in the Freestyle Skiing event.

SHE's just come out of a double flip!
Bella goes for medal run 
 in the Giant Slalom!
Her time is great, no mistakes and she's heading for the finish.
The Last Flag

Can't believe that Daisy, not content with her aerial skiing....
is also competing in the Bobsled Skeleton event!

Excellent style, fantastic with a chance!
And finally, all three minis are out of the gate...shooting down the  Bobsled track!

Into the first curve.....
Looking good, great control, so far!

On to the straight and heading for a big finish!

Looks like the girls will be bringing home some medals!