Today is ANZAC Day (Australian and New Zealand Army Corp). It's the day we remember all the service people who have fought in wars and those who died. Every town and city will have a parade and rememberence ceremony at their war memorials. Then the Returned soldiers will go to a pub or club to reminiscence and play Two Up. It's a gambling game played by soldiers in WWI and only allowed on ANZAC Day. All schools would have had a special service on Friday. It's not a day to glorify war; but to recognise the sacrifices of those who have had to fight, and to hope some day we can have peace.
We were going to go to the parade, the old soldiers are known as Diggers and we're diggers; but it's raining. Oh well, guess we'll just curl up and watch the huge parade in Sydney on the telly.
PS We'll be thinking of Digby as well.