It's me, Dui. I'm going in the car by myself.
You should have heard Roxy's pitiful cries.....
Occasionally, I get to go and the others are left home.
It's so I don't depend on the pack too much and
have experiences.
First stop......
wait a minute.....
This isn't what I expected......
I had to sit on big tray while SHE read the numbers
and let's just say I'm a BIG boy.
Then the Vet came in. I was VERY good, even when he poked that thing under my tail.
I am now vaccinated against all the BAD bugs for another year.....and heartworm.
We don't have rabies in Oz, so I didn't need that.
I even gave the Vet a kiss...
Next we went to see our friend Millie.
She was home alone--they don't lock their doors. We ran around inside until.....oops....I left some pee-mail on their carpet and a chair.
SHE quickly cleaned it up and we made a hasty retreat outside.
Where I left some more pee-mail.
Notice I've learned to lift my leg. I've been leaving pee-mail EVERYWHERE. |
We ran around a bit more. Then Millie went back inside and we continued to
When we went close to this cage, look what came out
to play with me.
There were 7 of these and they all stared at me.
Someone said they were cats, but cats are big things
that run around our street.
I was a bit afraid of this thing in the cage.
It was VERY bold.
We stopped to say hi to this dog,
but he didn't like me AT ALL and rudely told me to go away.
So off we went to the freezers and got TWO bags of 'Roo tails.
Then home, where Bella and Roxy sniffed me up one side and down the other.