Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
A Surprise......
A surprise package came to our house today. From our friends Kismet, Kaci, Kali and in the spirits of Kyla and Kenzie.
We were very excited.
Look, it's a beautiful scottie hand towel. Sent to ALL of us.
But SHE says we're not going to use it. It's for HER use ONLY.
Such a wonderful surprise. Made our day!
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness.
We still have our Kyla Scottiemobile plate on our carport so we can see her every day.
Monday, April 27, 2015
It's here!
Ernie, come quickly!
It has finally arrived!
It has finally arrived!
The new couch for MY much bigger office.
I know it's a bit more than we budgeted for, but isn't it fantastic?!
Our clients will be able to give their evidence in a relaxed atmosphere.
I can just imagine you working in on your briefs.
And for those late nights when we have to have tete-a-tete consultations to ensure we've covered everything,
it will be just perfect!
Now, if I can just pen those Interior Decorators to a firm date for the rest of the office.....
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Foggy Friday
Foggy this morning.
We think the 'bubbles' in this photo happened because the flash bounced off the mist.
Anyway, SHE liked the photo.
When we got to the fence, we looked for Mr. Fox.
He wasn't there.....again.
Scotties in the Mist.
Did we hear 'TREAT"?!!
See our tracks in the dew? |
We ran, and rolled, and played and got soaking wet.
(But not muddy)
Time to go.
A foggy morning here usually means there's a beautiful day ahead.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Kibble Scramble.
We always have a kibble scramble at the river.
As you can see the kibble blends in with the ground. So we have to scramble to find them and try to get more than everyone else.
Hmmmmmmmmm, there must be some more around here.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Mayorz Marathon 2015
Welcome, Blogville!
Well our runners in the First Ever Mayorz Marathon are coming through Mile 5. It's a long run today--25 miles.
A few front runners have charged ahead, but here we're seeing those pups whose strategy is to go slow and steady and make their moves closer to the finish line.
We have the Blogville Police Chopper here, it'll move along as the runners go through.
Mile 6 and the crowd has thinned out some! A few have baulked at the bridge--unsure it's safe.
But everything has been checked and double checked to ensure safety and security.
A few have stopped for a quick dip in the river.
Even one of the Mayorz.
Now they've come up the hill, around the bend and into town.
They're going past the Pastoral Hotel (hotels in Oz are Pubs.)
We think we may have lost a few runners, the call of a drink is just too much.
Hey Guys, there's still A LONG WAY to GO!

And Madi's providing FREE drinks just AHEAD!
Good Luck, everyone! Keep going!
Friday, April 17, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
This morning, we chased a fox!
Not a stuffie fox like our exburping, ex-squeaking fox,
but a REAL FOX!
There were two young foxes playing in the calf paddock,
they weren't watching, and just as we walked by,
one came through the fence on OUR side.
We were OFF quick as a flash.
Chased it right down to the river.
(The other fox just jumped into high grass on its side.)
It was VERY exciting.
Sorry no pictures...SHE didn't even HAVE the camera!
Dui was so excited he kept racing around and chased a jogger......
He got in trouble for that.
We're going to look for those foxes tomorrow....
and probably every day for the next few years.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Tuesday Early Morning Walk....
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Can you guess what this is?
It's a soaking wet treat pocket.
All the crumbs are gone and it's now clean.
I do lots of jobs around the house.
(Note to self: Do not leave track pants on the floor.)
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Guess Who is.......
six today!
That's right.....Bella!
We started our day at 5:30 a.m. when we alerted the whole
street that the cats were once again in our garden
and were NOT invited to Bella's birthday.
Shortly after 7 we headed to the river.
We chased the calves away from the water.
We think they had a meeting about us......
Bella's favourite puddle was still there, and she had a few rounds of 'catch the rock'.
By then, all the other dogs arrived, so we played some games and had cheesy bacon muffins for a birthday snack.
No photos, the muffins were snaffled up too quickly.
They were delicious!
In the afternoon, after some special roo chews, we went for another walk.....
along the Tracker Riley Track.
Some of the trees are just beginning to change. |
Dui forgot the bridge was safe to cross. |
We walked down to Bella's second favourite beach on the river.
Bella raced around like a puppy and dug in the sand.
Except for the bath when we got home, we think she had a fantastic birthday.
SHE, on the other hand using HBO words remembered why we stopped walking along that track.......too many other walkers, runners, cyclists and other dogs. We get a bit excited.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Cool nights....
Now that our nights are getting down into the 40s, Dui has been sleeping in his crate.
We hear him in there, thumping around, groaning and digging.
This morning when SHE took the cover off Dui's bed to wash, SHE saw the inside cover that holds the fluff together had been
ripped off. Fluff was getting everywhere but the cover was still intact and NO holes.
I'm very talented.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
We have a problem....
Major stink eye...
Has to do with that 4-letter word...TIME.
It is interfering with our favourite 4-letter word....FOOD!
On Easter morning the clocks were turned back...HER excuse.
We don't understand that, but we DO know that our dinner is LATE (another 4-letter word)
We do know about UNFAIR situations and this is one of them!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
Not a very good day....
The morning started out all right.
We went to the river.
But when we got out of the car to go for a walk,
SHE noticed that one of Bella's ears was folded.
SHE checked it, and found that the hair on the end was caught in the buckle of Bella's collar!
Bella never complained!
We only had an hour with our friends at the river, before it started to rain.
All day we alternated between pouring rain with thunder....
And sunshine.
Crazy weather.
We've done lots of sleeping.
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