You may have noticed that a puppy was added while there was an older dog. The older dog helps with puppy training, and the puppy never has to be left alone at any time.
After Carys, there was a vacancy.
At the same time HER mother died, and SHE received a small inheritance. Time for another scottie.
(Scotties are rare and expensive in Australia--currently they are about $4000.)
Amazingly, there was a litter available in Sydney
coinciding with a planned trip to the big city!
Sunday morning, Mother's Day, SHE went to view the pups.
There were six, SHE sat in the garden watching their antics, but one, kept coming over and just standing in front of HER staring.
Daisy (right) with a brother. |
Naturally, SHE took the one that had chosen HER.
HER mother's favourite flower was the simple daisy,
So Hemskirk Charisma became 'Daisy'.
First night after a 6 hour drive, with Kendra. |
Daisy was the ambassador scot. SHE loved life and everyone in it--except cats.
She was the one who let children and strangers pat her.
* * * *
Age was catching up with Kendra, she couldn't walk far, spent a lot of time sleeping, though rallied to bark at cats and eat.
She even ignored ankles.
The call of the scottie came again.
A breeder who had saved the pick of the litter for breeding, discovered that the puppies and mother had signs of demodectic mange. SHE researched the condition and found that is was curable, so SHE agreed to take the little girl.
Bella arrived--with name, and a bottle of sheep dip she had to take every morning for a few weeks.
Bella, the new member of the Cat Surveillance Team. |
Before Bella, SHE had been researching Bull Terriers--personality, health problems, and reputable breeders
Next there was an event in Blogville. Everyone was asked to post about an animal that needed to be Rescued.
This little face kept appearing...
A Bull Terrier-Rhodesian Ridgeback who came with the name Roxy, joined the pack.
Bella, Daisy, Kendra and Roxy |
Age caught up with Kendra and she went to the Bridge.
Followed by Daisy, taken by cancer.
SHE put HER name on the waiting list for a female puppy,
but this photo of a male showed up:
When he was old enough, MacDui, the TENTH
and probably last, scottie joined the pack!
Thus ends the History of Scotties!