Thursday, March 5, 2020

Not something you see every day...

...unless you are us.

Can you see it?

It's a junk yard goat.
We don't know if it's as mean as a junk yard dog,
but it does keep the grass and weeds in check.


  1. Gail and I think that goat looks quite plump and happy and not mean at all!
    But we could be wrong...
    Toodle pip!

  2. How fun☺ I have never met a goat.

  3. I see it and from the looks of it, salad greens are fattening. ha ha.. so sweet.. Big says to tell Dui this week for the first time ever, we walked past 3 cats, one of which ran across the road in front of us and he did not try to chase it. instead he looked at mama for a treat. has been reconditioned by treats.

  4. Well I'll goat working for his food...Yay FOR Billy.
    Years ago we had a Kuzu problem around Centennial Campus (NCSU, extension campus). They brought in a family of goats from the NCSU Agriculture College. Who had it gnawed to the roots and below in a few months.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. That's really something you don't see every day. There's a solar farm here in Ottawa that has a herd of goats graze on their property, saves them having to mow all around the solar panels.

  6. TeeHeeHee...A junk yard goat BOL!! Too cool!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  7. This lovely goat looks very busy eating... and adorable!!

    Pinot xoxo

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