Sunday, March 1, 2020

Dr Seuss Day

Dr Seuss's poem gave fame to that cat,
That cheeky, troublesome Cat in the Hat.

He wrote the poem in humorous verse,
But we know cats are really a curse.

We've heaps of cats living in our 'hood,
Like the Cat in the Hat they're up to no good.

Family cats, feral cats--all colours and sizes
Obvious to us, that's it's rules they despises.

They sneak into gardens they wouldn't dare in the day
Places where Dogs REIGN and generally play.

Howling, meowing, yowling at night
Invading our gardens spoiling for a fight.

They leap over fences and wall with ease,
Ignoring good manners--doing just as they please.

They're cheeky and rude and troublesome like that
And not one of those cats ever wears a hat!

cats of Aoshima Island as an example

Happy Birthday (anyway), Dr Seuss
Not really your fault we have cats on the loose.


  1. I'm boycotting because he liked green eggs.

  2. BOL, we have cats on the loose in the house here. They are fun to play wif though.

  3. Love your poem! Happy Dr Seuss Day!

  4. I LOVE IT!!!! says it all. I the Big Boy am not fond of CATS even the ones that are in hats... just today on my morning walk, 3 cats not in hats did make be balk...I say what are they doing on my street, making me smell where they put their cat feet... I did get extra treats when we saw them.

  5. That's a great poem. We don't see many cats around here.

  6. OMCs!!! You have made me smile as big as a mile!!
    Please give HER a standing ovation. I love the last 2 lines.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I don't dislike cats but I much prefer dogs. Happy Dr Seuss Day!

  8. What a wonderful and Seussical poem about some troublesome felines!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  9. We like that much better than the cat in the hat who was just a well dressed terrorist

  10. IF I had started quilting many years ago, I would have an entire room dedicated to the craft of sewing, with lots of storage for my bits and pieces, LOL, a wall for a vision/story board. As it is, I have 1/2 of the office for my machine, I have a nice waist high work table on rollers that I can move in and out of the room from the storage room and my iron and iron board are in the study. But everything is close together. I just have to take things in and out. LOL

  11. What a fabulous poem! I was laughing and laughing as I read it. :)

  12. OMD dat was such a pawesome poem guys!!

    Matt & Matilda

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