Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Startin' the year out right!

This morning we had our 5:30 a.m. walk,
our Good Dog treats
then went to the Police Paddock
for a run.
We haven't been there for 3 weeks, so there
was lots of sniffing.
 You can see how dry it is.
No cows in the paddock,
so Dui was able to be off-lead most of the time.
(Only exception when a jogger ran past--twice.)
 Though early, about 7:30, it was  heating up.

So we went home to have our Dental Sticks, 
check out the area for CATS
and settle in for the day.
Forecast: 44°C/111.2°F


  1. Happy New Year!!! OMD! 44C?!? Stay safe my friends!!

    Pinot xo

  2. Happy new year. Stay cool! It was around -1 today, so a nice winter day.

  3. Happy New Year.
    OMD your must be roasting with the heat.
    It's 52f in Seattle with rain today.

    xo Astro and Mitzie

  4. Stay safe and cool friends!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  5. Whew - that IS hot. No wonder you start your day so early.

    All the best to you in 2020

    ★ WiSh y0u And YouR FaMiLY ★
    ^:[̲̅H̲̅][̲̅A̲̅][̲̅P̲̅][̲̅P̲̅][̲̅Y̲̅] [̲̅N̲̅][̲̅E̲̅][̲̅W̲̅] [̲̅Y̲̅][̲̅E̲̅][̲̅A̲̅][̲̅R̲̅]:^

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. In six months, you'll be complaining about freezing.

  7. I am so glad that your human had you out for some good fun so early. I cannot imagine how hot the day must be, and I am so sorry about the dryness. I think of your beautiful country often, wishing for some relief for you.

  8. Happy New Year to all of you! Stay safe in that un-doGly heat.

  9. Happy New Year! We hope you have cooler temps soon.

  10. Love that last picture! The tongues might be out but the tails are still up even in the same stride.

  11. Bella, Dui and Roxy...what great post.
    I can nearly hear you 3 sniffing all the smell mail.
    We continue to hear all the reports about the horrible fires and heat and loss of homes and lives. It is very heartbreaking.
    Is this an unusually hotter summer than usual.
    Happy 2020 and many hugs to you 3 and HER

  12. Glad you can get out early to get some exercise before it gets so hot
    Mabel & Hilda

  13. Oh my! That is one long hot spell guys. I hopes it cools down soon, and those nasty fires get extinguished, and you can gets some rain, and some clean air! {{hugs}}
    Ruby ♥

  14. now I am pondering how many cats passed by at home. so glad Dui got some time off leash... prayers for your country and the fires and I hope you are all safe....
