Tuesday, January 16, 2018


SHE says we've got quirks.
(We don't think that's complimentary.)

I Roxy, am afraid dislike cleaning implements:  broom, mop, duster, vacula...etc.
Whenever SHE's wielding one of these, I run!
I also hate loud, or sudden noises.
I'm afraid of stormwater drains except the ones
in front of our house.  They're safe and don't suck  you in.
But the others I give a wide berth.
I'm known as Me-First Roxy, because I always have to
be first.  I try to pre-empt whatever SHE's trying to do
and usually get told to get out of the way.
I am a talker....wooing when excited or to let HER know
when SHE's letting the side down.

Do you have quirks?


  1. I still fear the stoned guy at the entrance of the cemetery... there is no way to pass that beast.... I hope my daddy will solve that problem with a sledge hammer soon (with smashing the stone figure ... not me lol)

  2. I've got quirts too, Roxy. I'm not fond of the vacuum cleaner either and I don't like flies or bugs but what I really hate is fireworks and thunder!

  3. I'm not afraid of any of the things you listed. I can sleep when vacula is coming right up next to me. I'm not afraid of but hate laughter ~ when people laugh I leave the room. We knew of one other Scot that blogged who had the same problem.
    Sweet William The Scot

  4. We're not afraid of any cleaning implements but Millie is afraid of plastic bags. We think it might have been something from her first home and we shudder to think what it might have been.

  5. Wilson doesn't like those storm drains either!

  6. OMD...We don't think there is a page big enough to list all of our quirks!! Arty is a "m first" doggy and Jakey HATES loud sounds...Lately Rosy has been weary around get this...coffee mugs!

    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  7. I have no quirks. Both dogs and the peeps a seriously quirky.

  8. My Mom, Uncle Sam Jet Pilot, Dr. in front of her name that dismantles smooshed dead people for a living and expert marksman(woman) is afraid of Pillsbury Biscuit tubes that pop when you whack them on the counter to open them. She makes DAD do it. Bar har har har. (and escalators - she's terrified of escalators)

    If she reads this I'm SO not getting a treat tonight.

    Abby Lab

  9. Lately I start barking whenever mom gets off the phone and when Dad gets up from his chair.

  10. I hate car rides,, I hate when the car starts,, or stops!

  11. Whenever it is time to go for a walk round the village, I dive under the sofa and don't come out until the peeps have left...unless it's a trip to somewhere special and then I am right there by the door BOL (I don't like the vacula things either ). These things are personality traits for sure ( not quirks :-)) Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  12. "Quirk" is the middle name of every cat.
    the first family pet Toto the mighty mini dachshund might have been kin to you Roxy. He didn't like brooms, hats or men with deep voices. Hugs madi your quirkiness

  13. Roxy, an aversion to cleaning equipment is considered entirely normal in this household, by humans and dogs. I'm told that my predecessor Hamish used to be terrified of the ironing board. As for me, I don't believe I have too many quirks, although I absolutely refuse to poop within a radius of about 200 m around our house.
    Toodle pip!

  14. Ruby is the very same way about cleaning implements - they can't be trusted and must be destroyed

  15. I think you have named all my quirks, except for barking into the floor vents, freaking out if the lights go out, and hating and high pitched beep. - Pocket

  16. I think quirks are good. They make us special. The boys have LOTS of quirks so I have to say that. LOL!!

  17. BOL I finks we are da same dog Roxy cause I has all of those quirks ;)

    Matt (& Matilda)

  18. Funny, the boys are all afraid of the vacuum and hide when it appears, but the girls sleep right thru the noise.
