This morning--the day AFTER my real birthday, we went to the Devil's Elbow to play with our friends.
SHE didn't take any photos because SHE says you've seen heaps already.
We stayed for an hour and a half and ran around like crazy dogs.
Afterward there were NO BATHS!
(Of course, we weren't allowed inside.)
We were surprised when we were loaded back in the car later and went to Sandy Beach, which is my (Bella's) favourite place.
I swam, Roxy annoyed me, and Daisy investigated stuff.
Can you see me out here? Roxy doesn't come out this far. |
Then I dug a hole in the sand, while Roxy annoyed me.
And got covered in sand!
We stopped by the Sports Grounds on the way home
to run and dry off.
This picture was taken two days ago. We haven't seen these things in a while. |
It was BATHS when we got home, naturally and naps.
That's supposed to be a 4 because I'm 4 now. |
I could hardly wait for the photo shoot to be over!
It was made of minced (ground) beef with cottage cheese icing and decorated with pureed vegetables. (Baby Food)
It was absolutely fabulous. There was nothing left over.
There are fresh bones in the fridge, but SHE said we'd already had too many snacks today.
As if....
We've NEVER had too many snacks in our opinion.
It was MY kind of Special Day!