Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Look who came to visit us.....well....not us specifically, but Dubbo.
They came to experience the effects of the drought.
AND brought RAIN!

Of course, they've been here for a few weeks, gracing several businesses and residences.

And no, we didn't go.  We don't like crowds
AND there was thunder, lightning and wind;
So we had to sit close to HER incase SHE was


  1. Gosh, it is a good thing you guys stayed at home. It would not have done to steal the Royal Couple's thunder, now would it?
    And talking of thunder, well done you for protecting HER.
    Toodle pip!
    PS Always great to hear from my terrier friends Down Under.

  2. WOW, they even brought rain?! We are like you and would have much rather stayed home.
    Arty, Jakey & Rosy

  3. Glad to hear from you. Nice that the Royal Couple brought rain to yur area and it was good of you all the stay close to HER to protect.

  4. LOL I don't like crowds either or thunder I bet you had better views on the TVeeeees.
    Hugs to HER and you 3

  5. Tobi I was keeping my fingers crossed that you went to the park. We watch the video on the internet of Prince Harry talking and Megan holding the umbrella and was wondering if you got wet.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  6. Did they bring treats? No point coming if you don't bring treats. It's nice of you to protect Her from the noisy elements. We're sure she appreciates it.

  7. Mom thinks they seem like such a happy couple. We would have gone to see them if we thought they might give us some treats:)

    So WONDERFUL to see a post!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. That sure was nice of those Royals to bring you rain.

  9. glad they brought some rain with them!
    Hazel & Mabel

  10. I wonder if dey secretly came here, becuz we has had TONS of rain.

  11. I always thought kings bring gifts like in that howly night story, but rain is good too...

  12. That was superNice of them. No - we wouldn't have gone either.

  13. we love them as much here in USA as you do... they are loved all over the world. we would not go in the crowds either. glad you stayed home and kept HER from being afraid. also glad the royals brought rain since you needed it so much... tell HER thanks for typing all your comments about Big Boy, he loves them as much as I do.

  14. So good to hear about your adventures. You three are one of my favorites. Take care of yourselves and HER.

  15. Wonderful that you're back (at least for the moment). Now, who are these peeps? Do they have anipals?

  16. Yay! A post from you!!!!!!! I'm so glad that they visited *you*. I bet that they were very upset that you had to comfort your mom instead of seeing them.

  17. OMD. OMD.... We just heard about THEM being in DUBBO to meet YOU.
    I [YOIR ERNIE] Looked through the crowd fur YOU. I am sure that they were devistrated to have missed the HONOR of being able to see and touch YOU.
    Love Ernie...and Frankie

  18. Glad the rain came and your lady has you to be safe.

  19. So glad to hear they bought rain with them and it sounds like you did a pawesome job at keeping your mum safe. Milo,Jet & Arli

  20. Nice! Too bad they didn't get a chance to shake paws with you dogs. They missed the best part of Down Under!

  21. Glad you were there to protect HER. Always fun to have to have celebrities around

  22. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! That sounds stormy! I would not have gone out in it for people I did not know either, no matter how royal these people are supposed to be! I think the three of you are royal enough, no?
