Friday, March 3, 2017

Well, it finally happened....


That ole sun got up so late that we missed our
Early Morning Walk!

We were up....ready.
Even SHE was up and ready....
But that ole sun was a no show
until very late!!!

During the summer, we have a LARGE
window of time to walk before
the Tradies traffic (tradesmen),
walkers, joggers and cyclists.

We can be home (and SHE can have her cappuccino)
in plenty of time to miss the school traffic
and people going to work.
We can work from home barking at the
late dog walkers.

BUT, that ole sun is ruining that.
Time is compressed.
We have to wait for HOURS until
we can walk in peace.
Luckily, the temperatures have been mild,
so the later morning walk is possible.

Weekends, we forget all that because we
go to the river to play with our friends and get
down and dirty.

Hope you have a great weekend.
Our weekday walk.
Sheep paddock at the top, Dui has to be put on the lead when we pass.


  1. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! The sun is leaving you and coming here to us! We are getting more and more each day! I wonder why the sun does that?

  2. Bella, Dui and Roxy....
    Please tell HER that my mom would love to take a walk with HER and you 3 because you find the best places to walk. Are y'all heading into fall and shorter days?
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs madi and mom

  3. Yes the sun is reappearing here in Northern Scotland too, much to everyone's relief!

  4. Yay for longer days here! I actually drive to work in daylight now.

  5. We hope you have a very sunny weekend and lots of fun adventures.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  6. We don't envy you the shorter/more compact days. We are now getting LONGER hours/seconds of daylight and we LOVE it.
    SOOOOO sorry that Mean Ol' Mr. Sunshine messed up your walkie time. At least he isn't making thingys so HOT that you can't put them in your mouth... or touch them with your Delicate Paw Pads.

  7. It's that stupid daylight saving thingoe's fault. No problem in Queensland. Sometimes it's good to be behind the time, aye?? I'd have to be put on my lead to pass a sheep paddock too.

  8. Sheesh that darn sunshine can be so very fickle!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  9. OUr days are getting longer but not much sunshine lately
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. Things would be better all over if it were perpetual mid-March and/or mid-September.

  11. yes... a lazy sun can ruin efurrything... like my morning walk today... I barked a good morning int the ears of the mama and she waddled to da kitchen with me... but then she saw that it is dark outside... no wonder it was 4:40 am...and believe it or not, she really thought she can crawl back in my bed...butt, hey... not with me... hehehe Have a great weekend too.

  12. The peeps seem to like the peaceful walking hours. Thank goodness your temps are cooling off!

  13. The sun has been a no show around here a lot lately. We hope you all have a great weekend playing with your friends.

  14. I hate that compression of the daylight in the winter... we find the same thing here - everyone wants to be outside at the same time when daylight is so short. I'm glad the temps have let you go out later. I hope that it stays that way!

  15. It's getting lighter here too, but it's still quite cold first thing, so we don't go out too early, even though we're up at seven. Sometimes the sun is there, and sometimes it's having a lie-in, so we wait for a while. In the very hot weather we go out before it's light and I wear my super-duper flashing collar, but there's never anyone around to admire it !

  16. Oh rats! We hate it when that happens cuz it is no fair!

    Your Pals Who Are Heading Out In The Morning,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. We hope the sun starts behaving so you can go for walks when you want to!

  18. Our Sun has been shining away here is FL. Mama are happy about dat since that means maybe the bad fronts are over fur a bit and her migraines won't be so bad ;)

    Matt & Matilda
