We have lots of places to go for walks. Today, we're walking along the cycle track near the river. Bella and I checked out the picnic area to see if there were any snacks.....there were.
Then Bella took off to chase some crows that were way across the paddock. She didn't catch any. One swooped her when she ran back to us.
We alway find interesting smells. Sometimes we can hardly walk because we are too busy sniffing.
I love getting in the high grass. BUT I wasn't allowed. It's warming up and that means snakes! If you see a snake here, you can safely bet it's poisonous.
Actually, it was quite a long walk, and it is getting hotter. So we rested in the shade and looked across the river to OUR beach.
Not much beach now that the river is still up. When we got home all three of us went to sleep.