Last Wednesday, our friend Millie's mother cleaned out their freezer and gave us some lamb shanks!
Millie (with sun puddles) |
We could hardly wait for the official photos to be taken!
Hurry up, woman! |
We spent a glorious afternoon eating all the meat off those.
Roxy, of course, went back to eat whatever Bella and I missed.
That night Roxy began to vomit. She chose the carpet....the beds and indoors as opposed to outdoors.
Thursday, Roxy was very lethargic and didn't eat or drink.
But at one point rallied to bark at a strange dog next door.
That night, she continued to vomit.
She would only lick water off HER fingers, so SHE was worried.
Off to the doctors. Roxy was x-rayed to see if there was a piece of bone blocking her up...nothing. So she has stayed last night to be rehydrated and watched. It's still too early to ring the vet.
SHE had a good sleep last night--not getting up to clean up vomit or cuddle Roxy. We were going to the river...
Then SHE noticed vomit all over the house!
And a
Sad Bella outside on the supposed-to-get-the dirt-on-paws rug. |
VERY subdued Bella.
We will ring the Vets in about a half hour.
It must be some sort of bug.
We think this is because SHE was skiting over at Nola's blog about how we rarely get sick.
Will keep you posted.