Friday, September 30, 2011


 While at camp, Kendra became very quiet and wasn't interested in eating--that in itself indicates there is something WRONG.  She was taken to the Vets, admitted to the Intensive care, put on a drip and stayed for six days.
 During that time, she had many, many tests.  The verdict is that she does not have Cushings, but rather, a large mass (tumour) in her abdomen.  As no one knows what it is, how long it has been there, whether it's aggressive or slow growing, cancerous or not, causing problems....etc.  we have decided not to subject her to radical surgery at the moment but to watch her and have another ultrasound in a month or two. 

When SHE arrived to collect the dogs, Kendra was very lively, wanting to play ball.  At home, she has continued to bark at anyone walking down the street, sleeping on HER chair and trying to steal food from Bella--in other words, just being normal.  She will not be allowed to go on long walks with the others, not that she cares, she likes pottering around the garden.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wild Weather and a Surprise

This is what it looked like outside today.  At least we weren't still camping!
So SHE showed us this bone thing SHE brought back from her travels.
 We weren't sure what it can't play with it, or eat it.
But it turned out to be VERY useful.
 SHE made some peanut butter treats!
 They smelled soooooooo good while they baked.
We could hardly wait to try them.
In fact, Kendra helped herself.
So we couldn't get a group photo!
SHE also brought us a squirrel--a non-stuffed squirrel with squeakers in the head and tail.
But it has mysteriously disappeared............

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday--We're BACK!!!

Kendra                  Bella                            Daisy

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Important Message

 We have been abandoned sent to the kennels on a camping holiday for 20 days!!!!....while SHE goes travelling again!
Kendra           Bella              Daisy
Don't forget us!

Two Years ago today......

 Bella joined our pack. 
 And she has had us hoppin' ever since.
Bella at 5 months, when she arrived.
 Bella came from the state of Victoria.  She had a long car journey to the airport, two flights, then a two-day car ride across our state to a meeting place and a further two-hour drive to our house.
She was not happy. 
 In fact, she was very growly.....we left her crate door open and went inside for dinner.  She followed us to the kitchen and tucked into her meal. 
From then on, she let us know she was here!

Today we had a reinactment.....BOL!
Bella only just fit into the cat crate (yeah, cat crate) she arrived in.
SHE took about 20 pictures and this is the only one that half-way turned out!
There's some cheese here somewhere.

The first night.
Bella keeps us entertained with her antics and we're glad she came!
Happy Gotcha Day, Bella!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Twelve Years ago today.....

 Kendra came to live at our house.
 She was a funny, furry little thing.
She ran wild in a pen with some Westie puppies and wasn't socialised.
She resisted any form of socialisation, and eventually won.  She does things the way she wants to, occasionally choosing to join in some activities, but preferring to stay and guard her home.  Over the years she has mellowed.
When she arrived someone said she looked like a bush pig!

Happy Gotcha Day, Kendra!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's Spring!!!!

Daisy (gnawing on a week old bone) enjoying the gorgeous Spring weather.

Happy Spring, Southern Hemisphere!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Sarge Style Snicker Saturday!

 As you may.... or may not know, Kendra is currently on Lysodren for her Cushings.  She now has one tablet per week.  Half in the morning and the other half in the evening.

This week, SHE took advantage of Kendra being alone in the kitchen obviously trying to rip Bella and I off  to give her the half tablet.

As the cheese containing ten dollar's-worth of tablet disappeared, SHE realised that SHE'd given it to me (Daisy).

A case of mistaken identity.

Kendra      and       Daisy
SHE was not happy.  But, hey, it was wrapped in cheese and waved under my nose...........!
(Sometimes the tail system doesn't work.)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Friday Flashback--Telling Tails

Some followers have asked how to tell us apart.  So we're
 re-posting this oldie.

People sometimes think we're triplets--until they get close to see all the grey flecks in Kendra's (and my) fur. We do look alike in certain light. In fact,  occasionally SHE doesn't know who's who in dim light. So she looks at our tails.
Kendra's is thin and she never carries it up. If she's happy or alert, it's sort of half mast.
Bella has a very curly tail.(A banana tail) It nearly folds onto her back at times. (She definitely needs a trim.)
And, of course, mine is beautiful. I carry mine in between. We used to think mine was very curly until Bella came.
Our tails are supposed to look like carrots. We're sort of a mixed bag of carrots.