Sunday, November 20, 2016

Seasonal visitor

Froggy arrived last night.
He was there when we went out just before bed.
 Bella greeted him with a kiss--we think it was a kiss.
After a few photos....flash in the dark...

he disappeared.
Apparently, he doesn't like the camera.


  1. Or maybe he doesn't recognise that it was a kiss from Bella?

  2. We hope he wasn't a bedtime snack!

  3. Oh, did Bella kiss him, he disappeared and Dui turned up? Is the Prince Dui????
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. I know why ... Bella kissed him and the froggy turned into a Prince, but he ran away because he was nekked... there are no clothes included in that magic spell :o)

  5. He's very green! Is he poisonous?

  6. Wow what a bright green froggy! Not sure I would want to give him a kiss BOL - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  7. We have Karma who (as usual) hasn't been seen in a couple of months.

  8. What a beautifully coloured frog!
    Did he turn into a prince Bella?
    Elliot and Cricket x

  9. Wow what a cool looking visitor
    Lily & Edward

  10. OMD OMD THAT looks like a TWIN of the green Froggy that Tried to get into OUR door last summer... Do you Suppose???? Could it be PAWsible???

  11. Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr when Bella kissed him he turned into a Prince and went off to find his Lady love? MOLMOLMOL

    Bella darlin' you didn't swallow him did you?
    hugs madi your bfff

  12. You mean he didn't turn into a handsome Prince???? He's a dud - send him away!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  13. If Bella poops green you know if wasn't a kiss. BOL

    Aroo to you,

  14. Those blokes LOVE cockroaches and it's real good fun watching them eat one. They kinda push 'em down with their front legs. We catch cockies and grasshoppers and put 'em in a jar and the kids go out at night and feed 'em to the tree frogs. Keeps 'em entertained for ages. Crikey .... Sounds a bit ghoulish, aye?

  15. So he didn't turn into a prince after you kissed him?

  16. He looks kinda big and shiney!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. I have never seen a frog that big here! Wow! What happened when you licked it? Did your tongue turn green?

  18. We have a big toad that lives in the back yard. Dad built a box for him to hide in so that we can't bother him, but sometimes he comes out and we get to check him out. He must not taste too good because we don't try to pick him up or eat him.
